Into South Africa (Part 2, Getting there)

There are all sorts of safari packages available in Botswana, Namibia, Kenya, South Africa and other countries. Ours was organized by the Rotary Club of Polokwane, a town on the northeastern corner of South Africa, as a fundraiser for a local school for blind children.The link between the Polokwane Rotarians and San Miguel de Allende …

Continue reading Into South Africa (Part 2, Getting there)

The melting pot is alive and well in New York City

The very thing that Stew and I love about big cities, and New York in particular, is their heady diversity. Entering such places feels as exciting, and revealing, as diving into a sea teeming with all sorts of creatures you've not quite familiar with. Yet it's precisely that diversity, all those differences, that so many …

Continue reading The melting pot is alive and well in New York City

Why do we keep on traveling?

For all the breakthroughs in communications—how did people ever buy plane tickets or make hotel reservations before the Internet?—travel is still a bone-wearying affair especially for people like Stew and me who are well past the age of pretending to enjoy spending the evening at a hostel with erratic hot water and deodorant-challenged guests.Two days …

Continue reading Why do we keep on traveling?